IBC 2016

IBC 2016: Dalet set to demo latest Galaxy, Brio and AmberFin enhancements

Dalet Digital Media Systems will be demonstrating its advanced media management and workflow solutions at the 2016 IBC Show (stand 8.B77). Attendees can book a private demonstration or workflow consultation with a Dalet expert to learn how enhancements to the Dalet Galaxy, Brio and AmberFin platforms can help them better create, manage and distribute content.

IBC16-Previews-Image-2“Putting the right tools and technologies in front of users enables them to better respond to the changing content consumption habits of their respective audiences,” says Ben Davenport, director of marketing, Dalet. “Dalet helps customers navigate and respond to these evolving behaviors by implementing future-proof media infrastructures and scalable workflows that support the content production and distribution demands of complex workflows such as News and Sports today, tomorrow and well into the future. Whilst at the same time, important standards like IMF and technologies such as cloud can be fully exploited by customers right now with Dalet Galaxy and AmberFin to simplify program prep and content exchange.”

Tools for Today’s News Workflows
Demonstrating effective solutions for today’s end-to-end news production and distribution workflows, Dalet offers embedded as well as federated tools to plan, collect, research, write, edit and distribute text, audio and video to television, radio, web and social media.

IBC16-Previews-Image-1With content and production for all outlets converging and social media becoming the go-to platform for news consumption, content owners must find ways to streamline news production for multi-platform distribution. Enhancements to Dalet Galaxy user interfaces, such as an intuitive social media GUI that looks and acts more like a social media publishing platform, make publishing to social an easy and intuitive newsroom operation, allowing broadcasters to better respond to and manage new consumer habits.

Meeting radio broadcasters’ growing demand for cost-efficient, visual radio workflows, Dalet is showcasing integration with products like NewTek TriCaster and VidiGo multi-camera production systems. Driven by Dalet Galaxy, radio broadcasters can easily incorporate graphics such as lower-thirds and branding to enhance OTT distribution and maximize sponsorship opportunities, respectively, all while maintaining important graphics metadata that make radio assets more valuable.

Simplifying Program Preparation & Mastering
No longer do facilities have to manually create different versions of a program or movie for each individual market. With tools that take advantage of industry standards, Dalet is offering a far simpler process for global distribution of content, and the Dalet Workflow Engine, available both in Dalet Galaxy and Dalet AmberFin platforms, is reinventing the way customers can implement these types of workflows. Both platforms support IMF, an industry format that serves as a model to assist with and enhance program preparation and mastering. Visitors to the stand can see first-hand how the Dalet AmberFin media orchestration platform efficiently bundles media assets into an IMF, which can then be imported by Dalet Galaxy for effortless distribution. Dalet AmberFin can also generate metadata-rich IMF bundles authored with user-focused media-aware tools such as those found in Dalet Galaxy.

Elevating Your Workflow to the Cloud
At IBC2015, Dalet announced Dalet xN, the company’s long-term strategy for the ever-evolving content supply chain. Reimagining the media enterprise, Dalet xN extends and augments cloud and hybrid environments to provide content owners with a truly dynamic and flexible business infrastructure. This year at IBC2016, attendees can experience first-hand brand new Dalet xN marketplace apps that aid in national video exchange and delivery, as well as enterprise-wide cloud-enabled workflows. Also at the Dalet stand will be stock footage distributor Clippn, who will be on hand to discuss and demonstrate the power of applying Dalet xN in a real world scenario.



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