T2 Computing Webinar: Cyber Security in Video Production

Until recently, the media industry hasn’t had to think about cyber security. Hackers primarily targeted governments, financial institutions and technology companies. As we’ve seen recently with the Netflix leak, that’s starting to change.

According to the 2016 report, Secure My Site – Media Security Concerns, Beliefs and Attitudes by nScreenMedia, 35% of media executives say they have suffered a cyber-attack and they have the industry rattled. 53% of these executives say they have lost sleep and are deeply concerned about the threat posed by hackers.

Internet threats to systems and data can impede business operations, compromise valuable content and damage your business’ reputation. Security breaches will continue to happen as motivated attackers will always find a way to access critical-data. Whether security initiatives are being driven by corporate IT or broadcast divisions, it is a topic to be considered.

To watch the webinar, CLICK HERE

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