CP Communications handles NFL Draft RF needs

For the
2007 NFL Draft held at


Hall in NYC, CP Communications provided both ESPN
and NFL Networks with their RF equipment requirements for the Networks
broadcasts. “We alone had

systems, 24 RF Microphone systems and 12 RF IFB systems running simultaneously
with other users inside


City. Without the GDC,
Rod Barton, and the NFL Game Day Coordination program we would have all been on
top of each other. It was very clean show RF wise” says Kurt Heitmann from CP.

“We hired
Judy Rice, who is a Game Day Coordinator herself in

Baltimore, for just these types of events.
They are very high profile and usually held in very heavy RF environments”.
“She worked closely with Rod and together they made a successful show, not only
for CP, but for all the other users as well.”

Rod Barton
has been involved with the GDC program since 2004. “I was lucky enough to
be in the same room with Walter Sidas one day when Peter Erskine was getting
too busy at his full time job to keep at the GDC program” says Rod. “This year
was great due to Judy Rice and CP’s great efforts with ESPN and NFL Network, it
cut my time in half. This year, I spent approx 10 to 12 pre-draft hours
(over the course of 2 to 3 weeks) communicating with people about RF issues,
etc. Last years time was easily double due to having to communicate with
many more people.” “This year I was assisted again by Steve Mendelsohn. These
events can easily turn into a 2 person event with RF users coming into the
event and others having RF issues at the same time.”

Coordination programs work when everyone uses them properly, and this show is a
perfect example of that!” says Kurt Heitmann from CP.

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