Collectible Concepts to Use Wi-Fi TV Station

Wi-Fi TV
Inc. and Collectible Concepts Group, Inc. manufacturers of nationally branded
and licensed sports memorabilia and entertainment related merchandise, jointly
announced the immediate launch of the Collectible Concepts Wi-Fi TV Station.

see the Wi-Fi TV website and its Social Internet TV as the perfect arena to
present the Collectible Concepts product line to a global youth marketplace
that spends a large amount of time interacting on the Internet. We plan to use
all the features of Wi-Fi TV, including the amazing Wi-FiParty technology where
Internet users can see and hear each other as well as chat by text. We are
going to use the Wi-FiPhone to get people in calls for free to discuss our
products. And, in the course of the year, we are going to do a live Wi-Fi TV
auction of licensed sports items which are exclusive to Collectible
Concepts,” said Collectible Concepts President Paul Lipschutz.

welcome Collectible Concepts to Wi-Fi TV and especially look forward to
integrating the licensed major sports collectibles, including NBA collectibles,
into the fabric of the Wi-Fi TV lifestyle and Social Internet TV. We really
hope to drive traffic and consumer interest in Collectible Concepts and to
break new ground in online sports marketing,” said Alex Kanakaris,
Chairman, Wi-Fi TV Inc.

addition, Collectible Concepts will also continue to distribute products
through its established nationwide network of supermarkets, convenience stores,
stadiums, catalogs and other retail outlets.

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