Bart Rogers, Rocky Vonachen to appear on ESPN Radio
Story Highlights
AHL’s (American Hockey League) Peoria
Rivermen President and CEO Bart Rogers will appear alongside Peoria Chiefs
President Rocky Vonachen on 96.5 ESPN Radio’s Doc and Kotter Show today at 5:20
pm to talk about their participation in the Home Run Derby to benefit St. Jude
Hospital on Rivermen
Night with the Chiefs this Friday, August 10.
Rogers and
Vonachen will compete along with WEEK-TV Sports Director Lee Hall in a pre-game
home run derby, with each home run hit generating money for St. Jude Children’s
Hospital via pledges collected. Fans who
wish to pledge money for any contestant may download a form through or and bring it to the game. The derby
will begin at 6:30 pm.
Also that
night, the Chiefs will wear special Rivermen jerseys to be auctioned following
the game. Fans will have the opportunity to bid on the uniforms via silent
auction during the contest.