Magink Shows Off Patriots’ Hall of Fame Players

By Andrew Lippe
The New England Patriots Hall of Fame exhibit at Gillette Stadium is utilizing Magink full-color reflective-digital-ink displays to bring their interactive player kiosks to life. At the Hall at Patriot Place, Magink was chosen by the Patriots for the display’s ability to be seen in direct sunlight. “Unlike LED displays, Magink does not emit light; it reflects light,” says Gadi Tirosh, chairman of Magink.
In designing the Hall at Patriot Place, team owner Kraft Group wanted to showcase the players in a large display. Magink’s 30-foot-high displays provide eight visual images and videos of players inducted into the team’s hall of fame. An interactive kiosk for each player allows fans to choose the video and images they want to see on the display. The Magink content-management system drives information from the kiosk to the display.
The Magink displays comprise digital tiles that can be manipulated to reflect light and optimized for sunlit exposure. Because the Hall of Fame exhibit is placed in front of glass windows overlooking the stadium, the display chosen had to be able to handle sunlight. Says Tirosh, “Neither LCD nor plasma was an option, because neither could compete with the sun coming from the windows.”
LEDs were also not an option because they give off a lot of heat. Magink displays are reflective and give off no heat, Tirosh says. With LED displays, he adds, “when light directly hits them, images can be hard to see, but with our displays, the more light that hits them, the better they look.”

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