Chyron Announces Integration With Txtstation And Axis Content Creation Service
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Chyron and Txtstation
have announced the integration of Txtstation’s “Txtstation Lite” product with
Chyron’s AXIS web-based content creationservices. AXIS clients can now build
interactive mobile campaigns quickly and cost effectively using AXIS content
creation and management tools. This level of integration provides users with
unprecedented workflow, tracking, order management and reporting structures.
The move further broadens the range of services both companies can offer to clients.
Lite, a Web- and Flash-based application, is the industry leader for mobile
campaign displays. Graphics can easily be created and edited for voting,
trivia, text- or pix-to-screen, sweepstakes, and a variety of other mobile
applications. By ensuring a dedicated space within the AXIS platform, users
will be able to log in to Txtstation Lite from any geographic location and have
access to a wider toolset to engage viewers.
AXIS Graphics is the world’s first online content creation system and changes
the way broadcasters and new media providers generate, produce and manage
graphics. AXIS Graphics is an array of browser-based services unique to Chyron
that can be customized to a user’s proprietary brand, offering high resolution
maps, real-time weather displays, 3D charts and graphics, financial quotes, and
a vast and growing toolset to create up-to-the-minute news graphics.
“We are honored to be chosen by Chyron,” says Txtstation vice president of
sales and business development Michael Falato. “They are a highly respected
name brand in the industry for very good reason.Txtstation Lite is a
turn-key product that many of our broadcasting clients are already taking
advantage of and this partnership will help us to carry our mobile message even
Lite is an impressive product and is a proven entity in the mobile marketing
space,” says Chyron chief operating officer Kevin Prince. “Txtstation has wide
experience in delivering mobile interactive broadcast-quality graphics and is a
naturalfit with our AXIS suite of Web services. We constantly strive to
makegraphics workflow more efficient and inclusive for our clients and
this partnership meets that goal.”