New Tools From Algolith, Pixel Power, Chyron

By Debra Kaufman

A profanity delay system, integrated master control and graphics, and integration of Web-based video editing with graphics services were among the offerings exhibited on the NAB Show floor.

Algolith, a spinoff of Miranda Technologies, introduced the Algogear PDS-1001-MD Profanity Delay System aimed at managing unexpected wardrobe malfunctions, obscenities, or anything else that’s not supposed to air. Other new products include the Algolith SVC-1001-UDC, an up/down/crossconverter with frame synchronizer aimed at solving audio and video timing issues as well as cleaning up metadata. The combined UDC solution is more cost-effective, says President/CEO Yvan Ouellet, and offers more flexibility for managing video formats in hybrid facilities. The SVC-1001-UDC also supports active format descriptor (AFD) signaling for automatic management of aspect ratio and can generate AFD packets based on the aspect ratio settings, to simplify the HDTV workflow.

Also shown was the Algogear SXVC-1011-UC upconverter combined with Algolith’s noise reducer the Algogear VNR-1002-MD, which allows signals to be cleaned up and processed before SD-to-HD conversion.

Pixel Power, a provider of broadcast graphics systems, unveiled BrandMaster, which integrates a complete master-control switcher with broadcast graphics for channel branding. The company also announced that the Prime Television Network has installed four channels of BrandMaster in the upgrade of its new master-control facility. Pixel Power launched an expansion of its LogoVision family of channel branding and playout devices. LogoVision is now available in three configurations designed to meet a range of budgets and graphics requirements: LogoVision, LogoVision Clips, and LogoVision 3D. Pixel Power also added full HD support to its Clarity 3D real-time 3D broadcast-graphics system.

Chyron Corp. announced a technology partnership agreement to integrate Forbidden Technologies’ “FORscene” Web-based video toolkit with Chyron’s AXIS Graphics Web services. FORscene is a frame-accurate video-editing platform with tools for logging, editing, and reviewing video.

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