"The" HDMI 3D Spec
Story Highlights
Aldo Cugnini reported yesterday in Display Daily that HDMI Licensing released the 3D portion of HDMI Specification 1.4: http://displaydaily.com/2010/02/08/hdmi-licensing-group-releases-3d-hdmi-spec-to-public/
It’s available for download here: http://www.hdmi.org/manufacturer/specification.aspx
So is this “the” consumer 3D standard? Perhaps not — at least not with a definite article.
According to Cugnini, “It is format-agnostic, providing support for seven video-format configurations called ‘3D structures,’ and leaving room for nine more in the future.” The multiple structures include alternating frames, alternating fields, alternating lines, and different forms of side-by-side images, as well, as less easy to describe formats.
Professor Higgins sang in My Fair Lady, “One common language, I’m afraid we’ll never get.” Let’s hope he’s wrong.