Lamar University Football Returns to Field with Real Media Game-day Graphics

After a 21-year absence, football is back at Lamar University. The college, located in Beaumont, TX, had dropped its football program in 1989 because of declining attendance and revenues. But the Cardinals returned to the field on Sept. 11 with a refurbished Provost Umphrey Stadium and a new game-day graphics package courtesy of Real Media.

“We created an entire graphics package for them,” said Brad Burrow, owner of Real Media. “This included an opening animation with five computer-generated jets flying in from the gulf to awaken the new stadium.”

That opening was a vital part of rebuilding the Cardinals brand, said Clint Burges, video coordinator for Lamar. “It was vitally important on our end, after not having had football in 21 years, to do things right from the beginning,” he says. “I did a lot of research on production companies, including talking to other schools and the Sports Video Group. Several people recommended Real Media. The people who installed our control room also knew about Real Media and said they were great people.”

Designers added local flavor to the graphics package by having the jets fly in formation through oil derricks in the gulf. The Cardinals won their first home game in more than two decades (21-14 over Webber International), and the program received solid feedback regarding the new graphics.

“We had some great reactions to the first game,” Burges says. “One of our large donors commented on how great it was to see his name pop across the screen. We also heard from fans, administrators and former players. Everyone was excited. I couldn’t believe how crisp the animation was. I couldn’t have done it without Real Media.”

In addition to the Lamar University project, Real Media recently added Southern Illinois University to its expanding client base. Cox Sports Television in New Orleans contracted the company to develop show opens for its Saints, Hornets and Louisiana State University programs.

“It’s unusual for a college to be able to have an opportunity to completely rebrand itself like Lamar has done,” Burrow says. “We are grateful to be given the opportunity to help them in that process and help make game day an exciting experience for everyone in the stadium.”

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