NAB Perspectives: Tektronix’s Duvall on Creating Fit-for-Purpose Products
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Tektronix is known for its high-quality waveform monitors and rasterizers, and that high quality used to come only at a high cost. However, in listening to feedback from customers, and prospective customers, the company decided to rebrand its newest product. The WFM/WVR 5200 is the world’s smallest full-feature waveform monitor and rasterizer, but it is designed to be fit-for-purpose. With a base level of functionality and pricing, customers can justify its purchase by customizing it with software to meet the specific needs of a given application, and increase its feature set in the process.
“We have some basic capability, and depending upon the application, they can buy software from our more advanced, higher-end models that propels it to fit right into that application,” explains Richard Duvall, video marketing manager for Tektronix. “One option has four inputs, so it can monitor SD and HD on four inputs, which is particularly helpful in aligning and balancing cameras.”
An option also exists that allows users to overlay four inputs at once, to see which camera is out of alignment. As Tektronix’s smallest waveform monitor and rasterizer, Duvall is particularly excited to roll out this product to the mobile production truck industry.
“Small means weight but also size,” Duvall says. “We think that’s going to be particularly helpful for and attractive to OB vans. We’ve really filled a hole in our portfolio here. We are very interested in the OB van market.”