Tony Hawk, Dana White, SVG-Produced Track Headline Sports Entertainment Summit

The Sports Video Group and Variety are taking over the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood on July 14 for the second-annual Sports Entertainment Summit, which will explore the growing power of sports as an entertainment experience, as improving technology helps fans stay in touch with games and athletes on a constant basis across multiple platforms. The Summit will assess how all parts of this industry including media companies, agents, sports organizations/franchises and sponsors are working to take advantage of new opportunities to keep this business vibrant.

The event will be highlighted by Keynote conversations with skateboarding and sports marketing legend Tony Hawk, UFC President Dana White, and a yet to be announced opener speaker. General sessions focused on big-picture issues facing both sports and entertainment will be complemented by two breakout sessions: one focused on sports production and technology and the other on sports marketing and programming.

CLICK HERE to register for the Summit Now! A special rate is available for SVG members and sponsors. Please contact Andrew Lippe at [email protected] to receive the discount code.

For more information on the Summit and to see the complete schedule CLICK HERE.

Discounted hotel accommodations are available for a rate of $209.00 per night. To make your reservation call (877) 622-3056 and mention you are an event attendee or BOOK ONLINE.

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