IDS Unveils New Video Display Technology at U.S. Open

IDS (Information and Display Systems), a division of SMT, has unveiled an enhanced digital media display in the U.S. Open Media Center at the 2012 U.S. Open this week at The Olympic Club in San Francisco.

Designed on behalf of the USGA, the new media center display features a 9-by-40-foot projector screen that replaces the calligraphy scoreboard, flanked by two 9-by-16-foot screens displaying live video. In addition, the IDS Content Management System will include practice round groupings Monday through Wednesday, including group location on the golf course; tournament leaders, with an alphabetical and top-15 leaderboard; tournament statistics scroll; custom messages created by media officials; live video feed of ESPN/NBC coverage; and a main interview room video feed.

“IDS, as part of the IBM technology team, will help capture all data related to the U.S. Open and distribute it to tournament media, broadcast and fan information systems on site,” says IDS president Rallis Pappas. “We are confident the tournament information systems will not only enhance the experience for fans and viewers, but also players, officials and media alike.”

IDS’ on-site tournament information system consists of tablet computers in the media center, hospitality areas, and broadcast compounds and studios for instantaneous access of scoring and statistical breakdowns; practice round tee times, groupings and group locations on golf course; tee times; and course, hole and historical information.

“The USGA is excited about the rollout of digital scoring and enhanced video presentations in the U.S. Open media center that have been developed by IDS,” says Pete Kowalski, USGA Director of Championship Communications. “This is a first for our operation at the U.S. Open, which focuses on providing the best possible work environment for the hundreds of media who attend the U.S. Open Championship. We believe this scoring presentation will be an asset to those media who will provide worldwide U.S. Open coverage.”

IBM, the Official IT Partner of the USGA, contracts IDS to provide scoring and technology services on behalf of events such as this week’s U.S. Open. The IBM Golf Scoring system provided by IDS will produce all of the necessary scoring-related administrative functions required by the USGA, including the creation of the pairings, scoring and statistical data collection as well as the generation of daily and post-tournament media reports that include comprehensive statistical information for electronic distribution.

IDS will also provide an 11-by-25 foot video wall and three 8-by-10.5 foot video walls in and around the main entrance, featuring automated graphics content (leaderboards, tee times, group locator, custom messages and ticker), pre-produced USGA video and public service announcements.

IDS is also providing graphics production for GolfTV, displaying scoring data around a live video window in hospitality areas. In addition, IDS is supplying BRINT, a broadcast interface application on laptops that interfaces scoring and statistical data in real-time, to NBC, ESPN, World Feed, and BskyB. IDS is also delivering a data feed of scores, statistics, and tee times to a number of data subscribers and USGA partners.

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