Courtyard Electronics Chooses Ross Video Dashboard Control System

Courtyard Electronics joins the openGear community, integrating their new flagship CY 460 SPG, TPG & Time Reference generator with Ross Video’s Dashboard control and monitoring system via openGear Connect.

“The CY460 is complex and highly configurable, and housed in a one rack unit,” said Steve Cranny, sales director, Courtyard Electronics Limited. “It has its own front panel LCD display and controls from which all parameters can be set – but we also wanted to offer our customers a remote control solution via Ethernet.”

“Courtyard is a valuable addition in fully integrating openGear Connect for control of the CY460 Master SPG Test Pattern and Time Reference Generator from DashBoard,” said Eric Goodmurphy, director of infrastructure, Ross Video. “DashBoard continues to extend its reach far beyond a modular control system.”

“Dashboard is an excellent TCP/IP control system,” continued Cranny. “It was an obvious choice for us to become an openGear partner and implement the CY460 Dashboard control solution. Customers who already have other Ross Video and openGear products will benefit from being able to control and monitor those and the CY460 from a single platform.”

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