OLED HDTVs won't hit mainstream prices for years, says Samsung exec

At CES, TechHive.com reported that way back when 3D HDTVs were still in vogue at CES and 4K was just a twinkle in Samsung’s eye, OLED (organic light-emitting diode) was the up and coming TV tech being raved about in Las Vegas. OLED sets produce their own light and promise more vivid colors, sharper images, and better response times than LCD.

Despite the potential, however, OLED TVs are still priced far out of reach for most of us—and that state of affairs isn’t likely to change until at least 2017 or 2018, according to one Samsung executive.

USA Today recently published an article with HS Kim, Samsung’s visual display chief, who says OLED TVs at reasonable prices are still at least three to four years off. Kim blames the high prices for OLED related on the expensive manufacturing process—a longstanding problem for TV-sized OLED displays.

Read more at http://www.techhive.com/article/2086641/oled-hdtvs-wont-hit-mainstream-prices-for-years-says-samsung-exec.html

and http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/01/09/reviewed-ces-hs-kim/4400101/


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