Grass Valley Boosts K2 Dyno’s 4K-Pan-and-Zoom Replay Capability With AJA Integration

Grass Valley, a Belden Brand, has announced a partnership with AJA Video Systems that will provide 4K enhancements to its K2 Dyno Replay System. Grass Valley is integrating AJA’s Corvid Ultra and TruScale scaling hardware into the K2 Dyno to drive real-time pan and zoom to allow HD extraction from 4K acquisition with DynoZoom.

GVCorvid Ultra video capture cards are part of AJA’s family of video and audio I/O products to facilitate high-bandwidth and high frame rate workflows. They support 2K and 4K as well as high-quality scaling capabilities for all resolutions through true 4K. With support for high frame rates (48p, 50p and 60p), 4K workflows and onboard debayering, Corvid Ultra video capture cards provide maximum performance for critical applications. Its TruScale arbitrary scaling engine allows high-quality up or down scaling of any raster ranging from tiny web video up to 4K. TruScale is real-time and key-frameable, allowing motion video to be efficiently resized while maintaining pristine image quality.

AJA_LOGO-4Col_wPassion“It’s exciting to be working with Grass Valley, a company that continually delivers sophisticated and flexible technology solutions for the live production arena, especially live sports,” says Nick Rashby, president, AJA Video Systems. “By integrating our hardware systems, K2 Dyno can now deliver even higher quality pictures so that replay operators can tell deeper, more creative stories.”

The partnership comes on the heels of additional upgrades to K2 Dyno that were announced at the NAB Show 2014, including 4K pan/zoom support, 6X ultra slow-motion playout (from the LDX XtremeSpeed and LDX Compact XtremeSpeed cameras), 6×2 I/Os, and an optional package for sports graphics and telestration with the tOG-Sports application developed by RT Software. All of these features are controlled from a single K2 Dyno Replay Controller touchscreen. K2 Dyno also includes new AnySpeed dynamic playback algorithm, which automatically guarantees smooth playback during transition from any speed from zero to 200 percent and in speed transitions for ultra slow-motion 6X playout. It also integrates with Grass Valley’s latest high-speed cameras and the K2 Summit 3G Production Client, and it is compatible with higher resolutions and frame rates.

“Our K2 Dyno Replay System is widely deployed within the live sports segment and is the go-to system for replay operators around the world,” says Mike Cronk, SVP of strategic marketing, Grass Valley. “By incorporating AJA’s unique hardware systems into K2 Dyno, our customers can now take advantage of a turnkey solution that gives them the ability to take advantage of stunning 4K images in HD and in real-time. With these added features, there is no other replay system on the market as powerful and comprehensive as K2 Dyno.”

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