Tale of Five Cities: SVG Members, Sponsors Gather During Busy Two-Week Period

The Sports Video Group, as part of its 2015 Member Services Initiative, held five events during the past two weeks in five cities on two continents as part of the association’s commitment to reach out to broadcast professionals in new markets and market segments.

“SVG has launched a ‘beyond broadcast’ program in 2015, offering regionalized opportunities to meet and exchange ideas among the widest possible number of video and sports professionals,” says SVG Chairman Tom Sahara. “The last two weeks have given new members in new markets and in new target specialties such as scoreboard production and live entertainment TV a chance to come together and learn and network through SVG activities.”

The whirlwind of SVG events began on March 17 with SVG Europe’s annual Football Production Summit. The event this year moved from Paris, where it has been held for the past three years, to Barcelona, Spain where more than 170 people attended the event to learn about new trends in football production.

“Sports production giant MediaPro hosted our event, helping give attendees a better understanding of the Spanish sports production and broadcasting marketplace,” says Joe Hosken, SVG Europe, general manager. “MediaPro was also a great host for the remainder of the days activities that included plenty of presentations, conversation, and networking.”

The next day, March 18, SVG held two events in the U.S.: a Second Screen panel discussion at Sportel Americas in Miami and the SVG Venue Scoreboard Technology Workshop at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Arizona.

“Many members who can’t make it to New York, London and Atlanta, where our larger educational activities occur,” adds SVG Co-Executive Director Paul Gallo. “SVG is committed to providing increased networking opportunities for our members and sponsors on a regional basis in the years ahead.”

The final two activities included a networking dinner for the Los Angeles Live TV entertainment and sports community and, on March 25, an SVG College Sports Initiative regional workshop at Ball State University in Indiana.

“It was a busy couple of weeks for the SVG team and, more importantly, its members and sponsors who had a chance to come together and help move the industry and association forward,” says Ken Kerschbaumer, SVG, Co-Executive Director, Editorial Services.

This year, SVG will continue to grow its regional participation with a wider range of intimate and full-scale meetings and workshops. Its member service initiatives have also grown to include audio and safety best practices, along with the college and venue initiatives.

SVG’s membership will convene next in Las Vegas during NAB 2015 with another flurry of information and networking activities, including its invitation-only Chairman’s Forum (April 10-12), DTV Audio Group Summit (April 12), NAB Pre-Game Party (April 12), Remote Production Breakfast (April 14), and Women’s Sports Initiative Luncheon (April 15).

For more information on SVG and how to participate visit staging.sportsvideo.org.


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