141st Audio Engineering Society Convention Brings Together International Contingent of Audio Professionals

The following Press Release was issued by the AES on November 16, 2016:

— Annual AES Convention once again proves that If it’s about Audio, It’s at AES! —

New York, NY, November 16, 2016 — The success of the recent 141st AES Convention in Los Angeles was hailed by both organizers and attendees alike as the must-attend professional audio event of the year. AES Conventions serve as the premier event for presentation of the latest science and information in audio technology and application, and nowhere is this more evident than in the enthusiasm of participants who have come together from around the globe for the valuable opportunities for professional networking, exchange of ideas, and passion for audio.

AES Conventions encompass the full scope of the science and industry of professional audio, from the showcase of thousands of audio products, to presentation of scientific papers and theories, to events of historical and standard-setting importance as well. Another significant part of the conventions is the gathering of AES members from many of the over 150 professional and student sections around the world. As shared by Shusen Wang, who has recently served as Chair of the AES Beijing Section in China, the AES Los Angeles Convention was the meeting place for anyone and everyone aiming to take their role in audio engineering to the next level. Wang remarked, “I traveled to Los Angeles for the 141st AES Convention to learn, to see and to feel the soul of the Audio Engineering Society, to encounter new technologies and the latest products, to network with audio professionals, and to bring it all back to China’s AES members. I experienced not only the exhibitor area, but also the technical program, the Live Sound Expo, the special events and more. I especially liked the Live Sound Expo, where I learned about new techniques in audio for live broadcast.”

In fact, several other attendees from China had unexpected meetings, having traveled independently, then crossing paths within the halls of the Los Angeles Convention Center during the AES Los Angeles Convention. Wang recalls, “I was pleased to meet other AES members from China here. It was great to see my audio peers from China here for the same exact reason as myself. We will all be sharing what we’ve learned when we get home. Some of the associates I was able to meet with included Professor Yong Shen (Nanking University) and his team, Dr. Xiaodong Li (The Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr. Ju Wang (China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association) with his delegation, and Mr. Bing Lin (Freelance Recording Engineer). Only at the AES Convention could this gathering take place.”

AES President-Elect David Scheirman spoke of his similar experiences at AES events: “I think it’s fascinating how connected the whole industry becomes at the International Conventions. Having worked with Shusen and some of his AES Beijing Section Members and other associates, I have seen first-hand how these events help bring together the global audio community through participation, membership, and networking among peers and professionals of all degrees.”

The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Founded in the United States in 1948, the AES has grown to become an international organization that unites audio engineers, creative artists, scientists and students worldwide by promoting advances in audio and disseminating new knowledge and research.

Currently, over 12,000 members are affiliated with more than 75 AES professional sections and more than 95 AES student sections around the world. Section activities include guest speakers, technical tours, demonstrations and social functions. Through local AES section events, members experience valuable opportunities for professional networking and personal growth.

For further information on how you can be a part of upcoming AES Conventions in Berlin Germany, New York City, and beyond visit http://www.aes.org/events/conventions/.

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