FingerWorks Telestrators Puts Sports-Analysis Tools at Broadcasters’ Fingertips
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The Sports Video Group is pleased to welcome FingerWorks Telestrators as a corporate sponsor. The Vancouver-based company has been a leader in live-telestration solutions for sports broadcasters around the globe.
Launched in 1998, FingerWorks is now on its fifth version, FingerWorks 5 (FW5), which supports 3D graphics, using a Unity drawing engine adapted for live drawing and annotation. Live, under-player tool placement was recently added, along with the ability to import live statistics on the fly for tool updates to FW5.
FingerWorks built its reputation on delivering a simple but effective interface for the sports color analyst. The company provides individual, customizable toolsets, which allow the analyst to feel comfortable and confident when using a FingerWorks Telestrator in real time. Training and support enables broadcasters to create and import their own branded tools, giving a professional, streamlined look and feel to every broadcast.
In early 2015, FingerWorks expanded its reach by supporting streaming using the NewTek NDI toolkit. All switching and/or interface equipment that supports the NDI protocol can now add the FingerWorks Live Telestration software options.
The latest FW5 solutions are available on a game-by-game rental basis or as a turnkey system for purchase. The company continually adds features and tools to make the live-analysis interface easier to use and more effective.
FingerWorks’ Live Telestration is used in a variety of sports productions, including Fox’s NFL, USGA, NASCAR, UFC, and NCAA coverage; CBS’s NFL, PGA, and NCAA coverage; NBC’s PGA, Olympics, and NHL coverage; and TSN’s CFL, curling, NHL, and MLS coverage. Valve Corp., ESL Gaming, and RIOT Games use FingerWorks’ Live Telestration in their eSports coverage.