ESPN Adds Curated Content From REDEF will now feature curated sports content from news publisher REDEF, delivering the top sports editorial pieces from across the web to fans. Select stories from REDEF’s daily sports newsletter will be posted on every morning. The collaboration is the first of its kind for REDEF.“The REDEF brand has established itself as a premier media influencer by highlighting different perspectives on the biggest headlines,” says Chad Millman, vice president and editorial director of domestic digital content, ESPN. “The team’s creative sensibility is a perfect match for the level of thoughtfulness and understanding we strive to provide fans that visit”

espn-logo“If you like storytelling, there’s nothing quite like sports stories. Not just the game, but the personalities, the business and culture. ESPN does a great job bringing those stories to us each day – and there are many more around the internet. We’re honored to feature the stories that move us on,” says Jason Hirschhorn, CEO and chief curator, REDEF.

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