Satellite Antennas, Uplink Trucks for Sale by Hurst USA

Hurst USA, Inc. announces immediate availability for purchase of four satellite antennas, including two satellite uplink trucks. This equipment is turnkey and the vehicles have worked every major sporting event in and across the USA and Canada, including NFL, NBA, NASCAR, PGA, NHL, MLB, NCAA, and more.

Hurst USA is selling its fleet of satellite trucks.

Available for sale are:

  1. Uplink Truck with a 2.4M AVL antenna. Both C & Ku platforms paired with dual- band 350W Xicom HPAs. New Hino 258 truck with Low
  2. Uplink Vehicle with a 5.5M Comtech Offsat C-band antenna paired with two 400W MCL HPAs. Equipment shelter on board, as
  3. Trailerized Comtech Offsat 5.5M C-band antenna paired with two 400W Hub- Mounted Advantech
  4. AVL 2.4M C/Ku antenna with a controller. This antenna is ready for install on your vehicle or

For more information please contact Jeff Hurst at 619.277.9990 or [email protected] for more details.

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