Vizrt Creates Webinar Series on Automation, Virtual Analysis, AR

On the back of IBC, Vizrt is inviting the community to a series of webinars that take a deep dive into the company’s portfolio of solutions.

October 17th: Inside the Big AR Show — the Tech and the Design
Vizrt will go through the Big AR show scene by scene to look at the technology and the techniques used to create an amazing AR presentation. Join here.

October 19th: Insights into Vizrt Sports Analysis and Monetization Tools
An in-depth look at how Vizrt’s sports analysis and virtual advertising tools make it easy to both engage your audience and monetize your content. Sign up here.

October 23rd: The Tools to Place the Journalist at the Center of Production
Simplify your workflow using Viz Story, where the journalist creates their vision and publishes simultaneously to every platform. Register here.

October 24th: Using Automation to Build the Studio of the Future
Vizrt takes you through the advantages and simplicity of the cost-effective, error-free studio of the future. Sign up here.

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