Digistor Infortrend Storage Solution Aids Gravity Media at Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Gravity Media has revealed that it chose Digistor’s Infortrend storage solution for use behind the scenes of this year’s Olympic Games.

Throughout the Olympics and Paralympics, the Infortrend solution served as the primary storage for all of Gravity’s recorded media in both high res and low res formats while also serving as the central data pool for on-demand serving media to clients for the duration of the project.

Gravity specified requirements that included high transactional and high throughput bandwidth for simultaneous recording of mezzanine compressed streams and processing of growing files. The system needed to take feeds from multiple EVS systems and make these files available to various post-production systems while supporting more than 40 production staff that needed to browse content.

“We have a good history with Digistor and mentioned our Olympics requirement to them, and our workflow team worked with the Digistor engineering team to spec up a suitable storage solution,” says Gravity Media’s head of technology, Adrian Jenner.

Digistor proposed a dual redundant Infortrend GS4000 NAS system to deliver the high performance and capacity requirements, further refined with the help of Gravity’s engineers and combined. The system was pre-built and performance tested at Digistor HQ in Artarmon. Digistor then provided the necessary training to the Gravity engineers prior to the system being shipped to Gravity’s Olympic production bub in Melbourne.

“The Infortrend solution supplied by Digistor exceeded all performance expectations and never missed a beat,” concludes Jenner. “The project was never limited by the resources or bandwidth of the Infortrend. Being able to hand Digistor a spec and have them provide the best proposals without having to perform additional research and development was a massive timesaver for us. We were all very happy with the level of service and support from the Digistor team and look forward to working with them again in the future.”

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