3D: It's All the Little Things

Looking at a 3D monitor, you’ll probably need to be wearing 3D glasses.  But looking down at your switcher controls, intercom, or notes, you’d probably rather not.

3D bifocals -trimmed and smallThat’s why All-Mobile Video engineer-in-charge Richie Wirth, Jr. came up with 3D “bifocals” (actually, half glasses).  They work perfectly.

Tags: 3D, 3D bifocals, 3D glasses, 3D half glasses, 3D TV, All Mobile Video, Richie Wirth,

One comment

  1. Hi! Mark,
    That’s a pretty cool idea (half 3d glasses). I can also see it being very useful for video shaders, graphics, ADs following scripts, even audio mixers. Good luck

    Comment by richiewirth on February 6, 2010 at 2:02 pm

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