Why Marvel's Netflix Shows Are Going To Look Even Better In The Future [video]

Cinemablend.com reports that if you haven’t been watching Marvel’s Netflix shows, you’re seriously missing out. Not only are the Defenders series like Daredevil and Jessica Jones some of the best stories currently available on the streaming platform, but they’re also some of the most visually impressive TV shows we have ever seen. One could even make the argument that (at least in terms of raw visual filmmaking) they rival the Marvel movies. Those shows are only going to become even better looking in the near future, as it was announced that Netflix’s Marvel series will soon incorporate revolutionary High Dynamic Range technology into the post-production process.

Netflix has officially announced that it has teamed up with Marvel Entertainment and Deluxe in order to seriously beef up the visuals of the Netflix-based MCU properties. This primarily involves the incorporation of High Dynamic Range technologies to improve the lighting and color correction for the Marvel series. It’s all quite technical, but at its core, HDR technology allows filmmakers to show brighter lights (up to forty times brighter, in fact) and a much wider range of color than standard formats have previously allowed. The HDR process will be applied to Daredevil first, followed by every other Marvel series in the Netflix catalogue — thus creating an entire library of awesome superhero properties utilizing the eye-popping technology.

Read more and see the video at http://www.cinemablend.com/television/1605120/why-marvels-netflix-shows-are-going-to-look-even-better-in-the-future

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