Tech Focus: Sports Music, Part 2 — A Look at the Libraries
Production teams looking for library and production music and cues have more choices than ever before, including a new entry this year: Arena Waves. Here are some of the leading […] More
Production teams looking for library and production music and cues have more choices than ever before, including a new entry this year: Arena Waves. Here are some of the leading […] More
Sports broadcasters and venues seeking library and production music and cues have more choices than ever before. Here are some of the leading ones. More
Anyone seeking library and production music and cues for use in sports productions has more choices than ever before. Here are some of the leading options. More
Anyone seeking library and production music and cues has more options than ever before. Here are some of the leading ones. More
The music you hear on sports television has remained remarkably consistent over several decades: triumphal trumpets and crunchy electric guitars still dominate major-league sports shows, with slower-paced sports like golf […] More
Anyone seeking library and production music and cues has more choices than ever before. Here are some of the leading providers of production music. More
Anyone seeking library and production music and cues has more choices than ever. Here are some of the leading providers. More
More sports, more sport channels, more music: that’s pretty much the equation for music libraries, the vendors of much, if not most of the theme and background music heard on […] More
The choices in library and production music and cues are greater than ever. Here is a look at some of the leading ones. More
Music has been overflowing its digital banks lately as laptops replace recording studios, creating a torrent of content, much of it routed through a growing number of production-music libraries, which […] More
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