SVG, CEA co-host Sports TV Summit at CES
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The Sports Video Group (SVG) and the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) will hold the industry’s first Sports TV Summit at CES in Las Vegas, giving professionals from the sports industry, the manufacturing community, and the broadcast and cable networks, its first-ever opportunity to learn more about the important relationship between the sports industry and the consumer electronics market.
“Sports content drives adoption of consumer technologies, whether it is HDTV, handheld devices, video games or broadband services,” says Ken Kerschbaumer, SVG editorial director. “The Sports TV Summit, held on Jan. 6 in the Las Vegas Convention Center, is designed to strengthen that bond, giving the entire sports industry insight into their audience: the fan.”
The Sports TV Summit is scheduled for Jan. 6 from 3-4:30 p.m. in room S226 of the Las Vegas Convention Center. Highlights include presentations from guest speakers Brian Bedol, CEO and co-founder of CSTV, and Bryan Burns, ESPN VP, strategic business planning and development. The SVG and the CEA will also present the findings from a joint research study: “Inside the Mind of the HD Sports Fan.”
“Our survey of HD set owners covers everything from how HD changes the way they watch sports, which sports they think benefit the most from HD, and which sporting event not in HD they most want to see make the jump,” says Kerschbaumer. “For broadcasters and leagues making the investment in HD distribution it answers the key question: do sports fans really care about HD?”
Results of the survey will be available at the event. To RSVP for this free event please send your name and title to [email protected].