Ikegami, YES Productions Renew SVG Sponsorships

Sports Video Group is pleased to announce that Ikegami Electronics and YES Productions have renewed their sponsorships. Ikegami Electronics, a premier sponsor, is a leading supplier of professional broadcasting products in the Western Hemisphere. YES Productions, a mobile sponsor, is a mobile-production company offers two 53-ft. expando HD trucks for productions throughout the southern part of the U.S.

Ikegami embraces the new age of DTV by providing versatile, high quality products that can deliver unsurpassed image quality in any HD format. From fully tapeless EditcamHD acquisition and workflow solutions, to CMOS-equipped multi-format HD cameras designed for a vast array of production applications, to exacting LCD monitors, to dependable HD and SD video-archiving solutions, Ikegami has what the industry needs right now.

Visit Ikegami online at www.ikegami.com.

Based out of New Orleans, both of YES Productions’ mobile units are self-contained HD trucks, without B units. YES HD 1 and YES HD 2 are based on Grass Valley Kalypso switchers and feature Calrec audio consoles, two EVS LSM XT[2]s, and a Chyron Duet HyperX graphics system. YES 1 is equipped with nine Ikegami HDK 79 EC cameras, while YES HD 2 sports eight HDK 79 EX cams.

For more, visit www.yesproductions.com.

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