German Broadcaster ProSiebenSat1 Modernizes Facility With VSM
Story Highlights
During a comprehensive refurbishing process German-based Broadcaster ProSiebenSat1 retooled a control room and three CARs with VSM Broadcast Control and Monitoring system. As part of the renovation control room 6 and CARs 6, 7 and 9 plus approx. 75 editing rooms were connected to a new control system – the VSM.
When implementing VSM more than 90 vsmPanel software clients are used in the editing rooms. In each of the CARs the VSM system controls a video router and a remote router (Harris Platinum and Pro Bel Cygnus).
“The production area refurbishments fulfill our need for an alignment of our control systems,” says Joachim Hentschel, Solution Architect ProSiebenSat1 Porduktion on the project. “The usage of software panels within our postproduction process provides the necessary freedom for future adaptations. A basic requirement for introducing and selecting the Jünger Voice Audio Processors lays in the development of a user friendly GUI that is freely adaptable on-side to the needs of the respective user. This was only possible in conjunction with the Ember+ protocol, thus enabling nearly a real-time change of parameters with simultaneous perfect graphic illustration facilities within the vsmPanel. The migration and replacement of the legacy voiceover-hardware succeeded seamlessly and fast.”
Within the studio facility CAR 6 is responsible for control room 6. During broadcast VSM controls a Sony MVS 7000 vision mixer, a Harris HView/Centrio multiviewer system plus a Platinum router with access to routing Tally- and Label-signals to the multiviewers and screens (Marshall). Furthermore VSM
has access to routing and parameter control of all audio signals within the Lawo mc256 audio console and audio core matrix that are in use for post-production.
In a second step CAR 7 and 9 as well as 75 editing rooms were modernized and equipped with VSM. In each of these CARs two video routers are deployed. The Harris Platinum is routing all video signals. The second router, a Pro Bel Cygnus, is used to switch the remote controls for the video tape recorders. By using this “remote router” the operators in the editing rooms are able to route the VTR remote controls to their specific editing room via a RS-422 connection. As a result all video and audio signals as well as the control signals for the VTRs are connected to the respective editing room. Selection of the video/audio- and control-signals can be routed individually to their position by the operators themselves by using the vsmPanels at the workstations in each editing room. With VSM’s flexibility and the easy configuration of the vsmPanels, which can be done by the operators themselves, all signals can be routed individually.
With a latter extension to the project 10 Junger Voice Audio Processors, used for voiceovers, were added to the complex and integrated to the VSM system. With the integration of L-S- B’s own Ember+ protocol each of the parameters such as delay, reverb or compressor can be controlled directly within the vsmPanels, thus simplifying the operation of the equipment even more.
Implementation of VSM in control room 6 and CARs 6, 7 and 9 was converted during continuous broadcast. The reconstruction process should not only ensure technical modernization of all hardware but more over should lead to simplification and individual workflows for productions. All operators can easily configure the vsmPanels at their workstations to their individual needs which offers more freedom in everyday work. VSM’s flexibility and individual configuration possibilities contribute to these goals perfectly.