DoCaption Addresses Sports-Venue Needs With Data-Management Hardware
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The Sports Video Group is pleased to welcome DoCaption as a corporate sponsor. Established in 2009 by leading experts in television broadcasting, embedded hardware, and software integration and engineering, DoCaption develops ruggedized hardware solutions for the television industry.
With an average of 25 years’ experience per capita in developing captioning editing and transmission systems, as well as datacast insertion systems and set-top boxes for stock-exchange and news agencies, DoCaption is versatile, motivated, and passionate about its work.
DoCaption’s philosophy and vision is “service is our sales manager,” and the company aims to be both partner and friend. This relationship provides many excellent ideas and has become a major source of input for further developments. It is DoCaption’s window to the markets, path to product innovation, and door to its daily operations.
DoCaption recently announced an update to its flagship LRBox-platform–based line of hardware tools for 3G/HD/SD-SDI ancillary data management, including but not limited to closed captioning and subtitling.
A new member of this product line is the Scoreboard Data Inserter and Monitor, which encodes, inserts, decodes, and displays sports-venue scoreboard data into an SDI video signal. Scoreboard data, including game clock, is frame-accurately encoded and decoded, allowing, for example, referees and “situation rooms” to review crucial moments with confidence. Decoding and scoreboard-data on-screen display can happen simultaneously, both locally within the same device and, via a twin LRBox device, remotely. Additionally, encoded scoreboard data can get through video encoders and be easily recorded for later replay.
The LRBox-platform–based Scoreboard Data Encoder and Monitor has been delivered to the NHL and is now used within all its in-net camera systems. It accepts data from a handful of scoreboard brands by connecting directly and supporting their specific protocols.
“Entering the sports-leagues game, thanks to the NHL, is a great experience and an exciting challenge that we took up on the spot with great pleasure,” says Renaud Desportes, head of marketing and product management, DoCaption. “Our Scoreboard Data Inserter, Encoder, and Monitor, based on our already successful LRBox hardware platform, has fully addressed the NHL technical requirements, thanks to its versatile, flexible, and yet powerful design.”