Live From Super Bowl LIII: Media Links Continues Super Streak of IP Transport Support
Big time events are increasingly tapping into big time fiber connections and Super Bowl LIII is no different as a number of entities on site will rely on fiber connections for signal transport around Atlanta and across the country. Media Links is one of the companies that often finds itself playing a role at the major global events and the Super Bowl is no different as its MD8000 IP media transport technology will be in use.
“This is the latest of several Super Bowls we have participated in going back to Super Bowl XLII in 2008,” says Mark Podesla, Media Links, senior product manager.
Podesla says one of the big changes since 2008 is the amount of data that is being delivered via fiber.
“We will process up to 10 Gbps of data on the venue side as well as the traditional video services like uncompressed HD that is taken in and then packetized and delivered from Atlanta as IP,” he says.
There is also much more collaboration between facilities in Atlanta and their home production facilities.
“Teams on both ends of the long distance network are sending graphics and a lot of data back and forth for things like remote production, collaborative editing, and virtual graphics,” he adds.
The strength of the MD8000, says Podesla, is its flexibility and agility.
“We’re well known for accommodating just about any data and/or video service presented and transporting that high-value media content hitlessly (or without any interruptions) across wide area networks” says Podesla. “We’ve been processing video over IP and Ethernet since the mid 2000s, well before a lot of others so we have the know-how for use in high profile live events.”
The MD8000 also has the ability to translate between different networks that a customer may use to get content from point A to point B although this year’s Super Bowl happens to be much simpler (as opposed to other more complex global sports events).
“In addition to our technology another strength is our service and support organization and we have significant staff that work with our customers to make sure the networks are designed and operate properly as they blend video and IP expertise within a media-tuned IP network,” he adds.