Masstech Address Concerns Over Coronavirus

Masstech Innovations has addressed their customers on how they’re navigating the coronavirus:

​​​​​​​At this difficult time I am writing to offer our assistance. Your Masstech storage management solution (whether Kumulate, FlashNet or MassStore) continues to protect your media and move your content 24/7.
Whilst you are making operational adjustments and considering your options, we can provide immediate assistance with your business continuity actions.

Below are some specific scenarios in which your Masstech solution could improve your business continuity in the current climate.
Many of these basic reconfigurations and processes can be achieved remotely by Masstech as part of your current valid maintenance and support agreement, at no extra cost.

1. Increase access: by providing additional replication or transfers to your third party cloud storage to increase the access to your archive and inventory.

2. Modify media workflows to facilitate remote working.

3. Provide visibility to your assets in the event that your MAM has an issue, through Masstech web-based front-end tools; Infinity for FlashNet and our web client for Kumulate/MassStore. These are available to all customers with a current support agreement.

4. Provide temporary licenses to enable you to increase the size of your immediate nearline disk cache or introduce third-party cloud storage to ensure business continuity. For this we will waive our standard licensing fees until June 30th 2020.

5. Masstech can provide basic administration training for operators to cover for enforced absences, to train them in the management of tape and disk. Basic administration training would be provided free of charge on a first-come, first served basis.

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