Digital Nirvana To Present ‘AI & ML: Revolutionizing Media Creation and Distribution’ at HPA Tech Retreat

At the upcoming HPA Tech Retreat, taking place online March 15-24, Digital Nirvana CEO Hiren Hindocha and Head of AI Products and Services Russell Vijayan will offer their presentation “AI & ML: Revolutionizing Media Creation and Distribution.”

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The presentation will be available Friday, March 19, on the HPA Tech Retreat website.

In their presentation, Hindocha and Vijayan will describe how advanced AI and ML technologies can be applied to media workflows to streamline and accelerate development and delivery of video content. They will focus on use cases where media organizations are leveraging advanced speech-to-text (STT) capabilities to generate accurate and searchable transcripts of programs. Editors can then access these transcripts to identify key segments of content and quickly edit them into finished programs, shaving many hours off the content delivery process. The same technologies can then be used to generate accurate closed captions from the transcripts that can be instantly translated into multiple languages.

In addition, Hindocha and Vijayan will look at current and upcoming developments in AI and ML technologies — including the ability to generate rich metadata including logo, object, and facial recognition — that are changing the way media operations are leveraging video content. These capabilities are opening up myriad new applications, such as demonstrating advertising compliance and classifying advertising according to local restrictions and policies.

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