Tedial CTO Julian Fernandez-Campon Details How to Maximize Software-Defined Workflows With Media Integration Platform

You may already have an understanding of Software-Defined Workflows but do you know how you can maximize them by introducing a Media Integration Platform?

In August 2019, Movielabs and Hollywood Studios published a whitepaper envisioning “The Evolution of Media Creation”, which provided a ten-year vision for the future of media production, post and creative technologies. Since then, the world has changed considerably however, many of the aspects within the whitepaper are still extremely important for global media production.

Key to this are Software-Defined Workflows, which abandon the notion that interoperability is limited to applications that are designed specifically to work together. Instead, it adopts the model that applications can interoperate with any other as long as they follow a set of interoperability rules and security policies, either natively or with adapters. Tedial CTO Julian Fernandez-Campon has explored the benefits of using Software-Defined Workflows and how they support the tasks of creatives by adapting to their specific needs, bringing flexibility and freedom to the creative process. In short, how they help make the production process more agile and adaptive.

He also reveals how, based on these concepts, introducing an over-arching Media Integration Platform allows Software-Defined Workflows to be maximized. A Media Integration Platform opens the doors to achieve a framework that offers a simple and standard way to access all the applications that are part of the process.

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