3D TV Roundup: Glasses-Free Technology Still Far From Perfect
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Everyone got a long look at some glasses-free 3D at CES in Las Vegas and while the technology is still far from perfect, it remains chalked full of promise. Endgadet reports that Intel’s demo of glasses-free 3D provided, “loads of depth, and everything appeared buttery smooth,” but only from certain angles. The full 3D experience can only be seen from eight specific viewing angles and the image resolution is still “sub-720p.” Magnetic3D’s glasses-free 3D display carried similar issues, with nine rigid viewing angles and low quality resolution…
Sony’s 3D OLED television was awfully impressive at the CES and here is a full video preview of what 3D programming looks like on the 24.5-inch model looks like courtesy of The Wall Street Journal. In an ocean of 3D TVs unveild at CES, the Sony OLED is said to be among the best..
Panasonic’s all-in-one 3D camera is the talk of the town in Vegas and here is a full video overview provided by Switched. The camera boasts dual 1080p optical blocks in a single rig with automatic calibration, which alleviates the constant need to reconfigure the 3D setup…
Although 3D TV is the ultra buzzword this lately, many analysts argue that 3D TV in the mainstream is still several years away, if it reaches the masses at all. According to Broadcasting & Cable, a Goldman Sachs report last week states that 3D will fall short of the hype…
Multichannel News’ Todd Spangler takes a look at both sides of the 3D TV debate and asks when viewers will be ready for widespread 3D TV. While ESPN and Discovery have already announced plans for 3D channels, there is still no accepted 3D standard for cable. In addition, 3D on over-the-air broadcast is not expected any time soon. However, TV manufacturers appear staunchly committed to the technology…
What happens to menus and subtitles on 3D TV? No one seems to know for sure, but Technicolor demonstrated its solution at CES last week. According to The New York Times, the titles appeared normally, but were awkwardly zooming in and out to create a very uncomfortable viewing experienced. Regardless, Technicolor’s efforts represent a huge step forward.