CP Communications’ RFHD1 Delivers for San Diego Triathlon
Story Highlights
For the 2012 San Diego Triathlon held at Mission Bay, CA, CP Communications rolled out their newest RF truck, RFHD1. Needing a small form factor RF truck, CP Communications decided to convert HD1. RFHD1 is a 33’ truck that can handle up to 12 HD RF camera systems, and comes with a 42’ mast and a radio communications trailer.
“We were located in the loop of the bicycle and running portion of the race and that central location gave us great coverage,” said Kurt Heitmann, SVP of CP. “We used the roof of a nearby hotel for our main receive site and a 40 foot JLG lift on the beach for a second site, and then switched coverage for final transmission to the broadcast truck. The races were held on Friday for the women and Saturday for the men and both were 100%!”
CP Communications deployed 2 motorcycles for the bike and running coverage, and 2 boats for the swimming coverage, along with a helicopter for the men’s race.
Continued Heitmann, “The crew was awesome and just like a race crew when it all comes together you are usually perfect and come home with a gold medal prize!”