Yes Productions Renews SVG Sponsorship
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The Sports Video Group is pleased to announce that Yes Productions has renewed its mobile sponsorship. YES Productions is a mobile-production company that offers two 53-ft. expando HD trucks for productions throughout the U.S.
Based out of New Orleans, both of YES Productions’ mobile units are self-contained HD trucks, without B units. YES HD 1 and YES HD 2 are based on Grass Valley Kalypso switchers and feature Calrec audio consoles, two EVS LSM XT[2]s, and a Chyron Duet HyperX graphics system. YES 1 is equipped with nine Ikegami HDK 79 EC cameras, while YES HD 2 sports eight HDK 79 EX cams. Time Warner Cable worked with IMS and Alliance Productions to secure YES Productions’ HD 2 truck out of New Orleans to work some key events in Los Angeles for the new Time Warner Cable Sportsnet.
For more information on the company and its offerings, visit