Sports Content Management Forum: WWE’s Bryan Staffaroni on Maintaining Metadata for Archival Purposes
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In a yearly schedule that includes more than 10 major events, including the heralded WrestleMania, the WWE is consistently dealing with a flurry of data. Throughout this tumultuous time, the company continues to tinker with the intricacies of the WWE Network, their direct-to-consumer platform, to provide an improved viewing experience for current fans. And for wrestling fans who want to relive the bygone era of superstars like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, or Shawn Michaels, the amenity allows fans to rewatch classic matches and moments.
At the Sports Content Management Forum, Bryan Staffaroni, VP, media asset management, WWE, caught up with SVG’s Brandon Costa to dissect the planning that went into the streaming service’s refurbishment and the importance of maintaining the metadata that is entailed with this endeavor.